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Hemming the cloth I did a sublimation print onto. Did a print of the embroidered harp from my home onto it, decided not to use the original in keeping with my theme of the presence of something without the physical thing, also if I were to use the original it would remove the Manchester context from it. Doing a replica of it also honours it in a way that respects the delicacy and sacredness of the original object.

(This was the first time I'd ever used a sewing machine; I had to do the online induction by the make more store.).


Originally planned to have my smaller projection onto cloth in this little cove near the entrance/ exit as a curatorial decision for the room so the viewer would be drawn to it on exiting the room. I liked this area due to the framing it made for the projection and how the video would reflect off the sides of the surrounding walls, however I was worried it would be too hidden.

I tested the positioning of the cloth and where I would want the print to be using test pieces. I decided I wanted a darker print on it just as I had to take into account the visibility of the room and therefore the visibility of the print.


Testing what to have in the corner of the wall. I was originally going to have my book on a plinth in the corner, however with that getting into the Holden gallery, I had to come up with something different to put there. I wasn't going to put anything there at first but once everything else was set up, the space felt empty and I felt as though you eyes were directed there when you walk in. I was thinking about putting a large format print over the corner of the wall, linking back to my set-up space idea of two things meeting in the middle.


I chose this image as it is the one object that I found could be found in both culture's homes; It is a popular image for Irish homes to have and also I got it from my home in England. There is something in me that has grown quite closely to this object recently, even with my decreasing religious beliefs which is why I believe it to be an important addition to the degree show.

New concept: placing picture frame with image from house that represents both cultures and place it on the shelf above the cloth and projection. On reflection, it looks like a mantel piece which pairs well with the concept of burning turf and the fire featured in the video. 

Use burning turf essential oil to mimic the smell of the fire.

Decided also not use speakers as the quality of sound when it came out of the projector reflected the quality of the video nicely.

Image 01-05-2024 at 22.26 (2).jpg

Pre-degree show tests set-up space- if in a light room- TV and book displayed next to it if it doesn't get into the Holden Gallery.

Projecting onto Mountmellick lace. The white provides the perfect backdrop to project onto and the texture from the lace on the video is effective in the dark. However, I am worried as the lace is so delicate and you would not be able to read the text sections of the video.

Instead make replica of one of the laces and project above/ below it.

Get an essential oil that smells like burning turf and soak cloth in it.


Testing how projections would look together.

When projected alongside eachother they look too similar as they include some of the same content so need to present them in completely different ways to really separate the concepts from each video.

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